Summer Support - Tutor Doctor

Don't Fall Behind this Summer!

When the school year ends, many students are occupied during the long summer months with day camps, swimming, play dates and vacation. When summer ends, kids go back to school and realise they have forgotten much of what they learned in school the previous year. They are experiencing a phenomenon called “summer learning loss”.

In fact, studies have shown that over the summer, kids lose more than 2.6 months of maths skills learned in the prior school year. What happens is as learning occurs the synapses in the brain strengthen their connection in the areas of learning. When students stop exercising their brains in those areas, those synaptic connections start to loosen. That is why teachers have to spend the first couple months of the school year just getting their students caught up! In contrast, if your child works their language and/or maths skills over the summer s/he can actually make progress. When school starts there will be a marked improvement in comparison to the rest of the class. What a confidence boost!

Summer Success Programme

A tutor will come to your home and work with your child on the academic skills targeted at the Free Educational Consultation. Your child still gets a summer break as sessions are typically 2 or 4 times a week for 1 hour depending on family choice and goals established at the consult. Give your child a jump start this summer so s/he can start school with confidence!

Summer Success Programme: Secondary School

Many secondary school students take distance education or summer school courses to get classes knocked off or complete with a better grade. Completing a full year of curriculum in a short period of time can be a real challenge. Our tutors can provide the needed support to get through material in a short period of time and understand course content that is going at a fast pace.